Bored On a Train; 20 Questions

So that's five auditions done, I've passed half way! Wahoo! I thought it would be nice to break up the audition posts (& when I'm writing this I'm on the train home from Leicester wanting something to do!) so here are 20 random questions I've answered to tell you a bit more about me.

  1. Middle names? -> Yes, I have two; Rebekah and Kay.
  2. Zodiac sign? -> I'm a Taurus, in Celtic zodiac my tree is coincidentally a Willow!
  3. 3 fears? -> Falling, what may be lieing in the dark (I watch too many crime shows!) and fire.
  4. 3 things i love (besides dance)? -> Sewing, watercolour/sketching and Rabbits.
  5. Last song I listend to? -> Currently my iPod is playing Avril Lavigne.
  6. How many piercings? -> None! I don't even have my earlobes but might do them for my 18th.
  7. Reason I started blogging? -> I love reading blogs and love to interact with others like me.
  8. Something I really want? -> To be happy with teh path my life takes.
  9. Meaning behind my blog name? -> It comes from a quote I found on Pinterest.
  10. 3 things that upset me? -> Friends/family hurting, not feeling I'm where I should be at, school.
  11. 3 things that make me happy? -> Putting on random music & dancing, time with friends/family and when people coordinate stuff!
  12. 3 thinsg that annoy me? -> Yonger years on the school bus, people taking ahes to reply to emails, slow walkers.
  13. Favourite animals? -> Elephants, rabbits and meerkats
  14. Pets? -> I had a rabbit called Betty for almost 8 years from age 8 who I adored.
  15. Current worry? -> Not getting into the school I want or not eing happy where I end up at.
  16. 3 habits? -> Using face cleasner in the evening, checking my ohoen when I wake up and being a serial email checker!
  17. Favourite clothes shops? -> New Look and Brandy Melville.
  18. Favourite food places? -> Costa, Pret a Manger (the best bananas! šŸ˜) and local Italian.
  19. A Level subjects? -> Dance (obvs!), Maths and Product Design - recation from everyone I tell = "Wow! What a mix!"
  20. Siblings? -> Yep, one older brother called Falco who's 20.


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